IPv4 GeoLocation

Do you want to have more control over the GeoLocation of the ranges you just purchased?

We have a lot of buyers asking about changing Geolocation after a sale, understandably they want to have some control and understanding about how they can best manage their ranges. So, straight from APNIC this is the best information (from a trusted source) I can find for you.

Geolocation – FAQs

  1. What information is available in the APNIC Whois Database regarding geolocation?
  2. How can you make updates to include the geolocation information?
  3. What can you do if a geolocation provider displays the location of your IP addresses differently to what you’ve registered in the APNIC Whois Database?

What information is available in the APNIC Whois Database regarding geolocation?

The “geoloc” attribute of an inetnum or inet6num object can be used to associate a latitude/longitude coordinate pair with a particular address block. Content and geolocation service providers can use this information to help locate the users of particular IP addresses.

Please note the following:

  • For records maintained by APNIC, we do not set the geoloc attributes of inetnum and inet6num objects in the APNIC whois.
  • For records maintained by APNIC, we record your economy of
    registration (which is associated with the economy of your membership).
  • The “country” attribute in customer assignments (non-portable inetnum and inet6num objects) can be used to indicate the economy where those IP addresses are used.

How can you make updates to include the geolocation information?

APNIC Members who hold “allocated portable” IP ranges are free to create more specific inetnum and inet6num records that contain different “country” values to indicate the economy in which those IP addresses are used. Additionally, the “geoloc” attribute can be added to associate a latitude/longitude coordinate pair with the record.

Local authorities of some economies have placed limits on the ability to locate critical infrastructure. Therefore, the use of geoloc may be constrained in your location for reasons outside of our control.

Please see inetnum for more information.

What can you do if a geolocation provider displays the location of your IP addresses differently to what you’ve registered in the APNIC whois Database?

It is unlikely at this time that geolocation providers are making use of the whois “geoloc” attributes; however you should ensure your APNIC Whois registration is up to date.

If you find that a geolocation provider has incorrect location
details of your IP address range, you can contact them and request they
update the location of the range.

  • You may update your IP information in third party GEOIP databases such as:
  • You may consider implementing a locally managed record of geolocation information or “feed”, in line with this IETF draft from Google.
  • Some content delivery networks (CDN) and content providers maintain their own IP geolocation database which may or may not use RIR data. You may want to contact them directly to report any geolocation issues.

Please note that APNIC does not have any formal or operational relationship with any geolocation providers, and cannot guarantee that any provider will give accurate information, or respond to your requests.

This information is straight from APNIC, if you have any further queries or if you need help managing this process please don hesitate to contact us.